Welcome to The Keto Grill Kitchen, My name is Carmen Andino Webb I am an Interior Designer by trade, fashionista, and health & fitness enthusiast at heart.

My passion and enthusiasm for Health & Fitness was born out of many failed attempts of tirelessly searching for a Healthy and sustainable fitness and nutrition plan that would put an end to the yo-yo dieting, weight loss, and weight gain that was taking a toll on mind body and, spirit.
It wasn't until I dared myself to enter an NPC fitness competition that I was introduced to "KETO", and it revolutionized my world and those around me who witnessed my transformation.

Today I am happy to introduce Ke-Nola! I dare to say it’s the most delicious grain-free granola you’ll ever taste!

The health conscious foodie that won’t compromise on taste when it comes to healthy eating.
Buen Provecho! (Enjoy!)